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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Freedom we celebrate July Fourth each year
Full of Fireworks with friends we hold dear;
But Freedom's price tag is high as can be
-----No--Freedom really isn't Free.

Freedom is paid for by blood,sweat and tears
Soldiers who put on hold lives and careers;
It's July Fourth and now I can see---
-----That Our Freedom isn't really Free.

Young soldiers die daily for us each year
Torn from their family, eyes filled with tears;
They've paid the ultimate price,now we can see
---No---Our Freedom isn't really Free.

God Bless the Veterans young and old
God Bless the soldiers both brave and bold;
Join in a Prayer for them now and see--
---Our American Freedom isn't really free.
2011 by Douglas Raymond Rose
Member Academy of American Poets

Friday, June 10, 2011


l)The Right to take a shower without a laundry line of set panty hose
2)The Right to tell our side of the story without fear of consequences
3)The Right to trade cars every so often without the third degree
4)The Right to watch a game on television without being harassed
5)The Right to have at least equal time with the TV remote
6)The Right to know the ingredients of the wife's newest casserole
7)The Right to putter in the garage without have a honey do list
8)The Right to be seen in public wearing the clothes we prefer
9)The Right to try to find our destination without asking at the local Quick Trip
l0)The Right to know what Man Things are without having to explain them
2011 by Douglas Raymond Rose
Happy Father's Day and Good Luck with this list!
Member Academy of American Poets